Student Life Units

Basic Needs Hub
We provide direct assistance and referrals to ensure the most essential resources required to thrive as a student — food, housing, and financial wellness.
Campus Performances & Events Office
CPEO assists university departments with all aspects of planning and managing student-centered events on campus. Annual events include the Sun God Festival, undergrad college festivals, and our ongoing Triton Fest series.

Center for Student Involvement
CSI helps students form and operate student organizations, and assists students with involvement in community service, leadership opportunities, sororities / fraternities & more.
Student Governments, Auxiliaries, and Services
Associated Students
Student Life advises and supports Associated Students (AS), the undergraduate student government.
Graduate & Professional Student Association
The Graduate Student Association (GSA) represents the interests and concerns of UCSD graduate and professional students.
Student Legal Services
Student Legal Services provides free confidential counseling on legal topics to UC San Diego students and student organizations.

Student Life Business Office
The SLBO supports student organizations, AS, and the GSA with financial expenditures related to their events and activities.
University Centers
University Centers includes the Price Center and Student Center — restaurants, retail services, student lounges, The Loft, and meeting and event spaces.